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I write because sometimes words are the only thing that can save you.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Relationship boo boo's.

Sometimes I have no idea what I'm doing to myself. I walk into relationships with the full intention of not becoming emotionally invested and than WHAM! There I am, caring about things a few weeks ago I couldn't have given a shit about. Its in my nature to care though, I'm a virgo. We have compassion and I'm a firm believer that its both a blessing and a curse. Do not confuse caring for being weak though. I pride myself on being a GREAT judge of character when it comes to people. Its a trait that hasn't let me down yet.

They say that when you have a hard shell you're "bitchy" "rotten to the core" or "stone cold" if you will. I say, you're just protecting yourself. Look, lets face it you guys.. we're on put on this planet for one thing and one thing only and thats selfishness. We are all selfish human beings. Anybody who disputes this fact is obviously in denial. Sure there are people that put others before them, but I hate to be the bearer of bad news, those people weren't always that way...

I think the reason I'm so distrusting of people is because I've smartened up. I know what its like to hurt and to be hurt. It doesn't feel good for anybody, trust me! So why do we, as humans continue to put ourselves though this? Isn't it bad enough that when we invest so much time into a person, they disapprove and we're left with what? Heartbreak? Who wants that? Nobody willingly goes into a relationship thinking "I can't wait until she breaks my heart"

I have no idea why I started writing this, its late and I'm in the middle of pretending I don't care and caring. Relationships are confusing and I don't think anybody is ever really good at them...

Yeah.. enough of that.

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