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I write because sometimes words are the only thing that can save you.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

NanoWrimo Eve

T'was the night before nano, when all through the house,
not a keyboard was moving, not even a mouse.
the ideas were forming in the mind with care,
with hopes that by November 30, the plots were still there.

Starting tomorrow I might as well say goodbye to normal life because I'm more than positive that for the month of November, I'll be pretty busy! For those who aren't familiar with what Nano is, please check out the nanowrimo.org website.

Going into it this time around I'm a bag of emotions. Mostly nervous and unsure. Previous attempts at nano have been less than steller. However I think that given personal life, I'm in a much better spot in my life where I know that I can do better. My main goal, which I'm sure is the same as most; to FINISH. The feeling of accomplishment ranks pretty high where my well being is concerned and I have high hopes that I can do this.

Not only am I going to finish, but I'm right now making the bold statement in saying that this year: I will not only finish on time, but early!! Thats how confident I am in my story that I'll be bringing to life.

Unfortunately, friends and family will not be getting a taste of Trophy Life or Being Cinderella. To be fair, I didn't want to submit something I've been working on previously. I want to start brand new, something fresh and something that I think is my strength as far as my writing goes. I'll be writing a Sci-Fi|Fantasy Novel. One of many, because I'd like for this to be a first in a series. At this time, I don't have a title for it, but it is a web of ideas webbing back to 4-5 years!

I'll be periodicially checking in and letting you guys read excerpts of the story as well as asking for feedback. I know that there will be moments where I'm going to delete and start over(its a writer thing, you wouldn't understand ;) but I set a goal and its pretty important that I finish it!

Now some words of wisdom that will be helping me reach my goals during NanoWrimo!

"There is no failure except in no longer trying." Elbert Hubbard
"Keep writing. Keep doing it and doing it. Even in the moments when it's so hurtful to think about writing." Heather Armstrong
‎"Fiction is a lie, and good fiction is the truth inside the lie." Stephen King

and my personal favorite.
"No one is asking, let alone demanding, that you write. The world is not waiting with bated breath for your article or book. Whether or not you get a single word on paper, the sun will rise, the earth will spin, the universe will expand. Writing is forever and always a choice - your choice."Beth Mende Conny

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