My earliest memory with books can be dated back to the second grade. It’s strange when I look back because I fell in love with words, much earlier than that. I remember being in the second grade. I was blessed with Miss Novak as my teacher for the second time in my family history. When asked who got me into books and my passion of writing period, I always give her partial credit. She was given to me to inspire, to teach, to love.
It was the second grade and I had stayed after school with a few other students and my teacher, Miss Novak had taken us to the library and than to dinner. It was my first time in a public library, so you can imagine how that was for me. And if you can’t, allow me to set the scene. I was 6 years old and books for me, was like cake for fat kids. I just couldn’t get enough. I remember coming home with three bags full of books and my mom yelling that I had so many. She didn’t think there was a way I’d read so many, in addition to losing them.
Can you believe that I read every book? I remember taking them back late and all the conversation afterwards about them. Like I said, I was addicted; mostly to the stories, the characters and the safeness I felt when I was enthralled inside of them.
Most of my life can be summed up by 5 of my favorite books, all of which I recommend to my readers. The first being ‘Inkheart’ by Cornelia Funke. I first read Inkheart in 2005 and I was hesitant at first because at first glance this book seems like it’s purely children based. But that’s not always the case in point with books. I don’t think I need to tell you how many adults are fans of Harry Potter over their children do I? Anyway Inkheart has everything from Fantasy, Action, Murder, Mystery, Love, Laughter and as often as we’re in denial of a lesson.
The Second Book in my 5 would be “A Density of Souls” by Christopher Rice. Now before I go into how I feel about the book, I’d like to express my love for the man that wrote the book. Being a huge fan of Anne Rice, I was expecting a lot and you guys, he delivers! Christopher Rice is the author of 5 books (All of which I own, and have on pre-order hah) A Density of Souls was scary for me. When I read it, I could relate to every single character. Growing up I knew what it was like to be the outcast, the popular girl, the asshole, ect. What I related most about this book though was the fact that every single one of these characters had skeletons in their closet, which we as human beings can attest to. It’s a deep read for the avid mind.
Coming in third on my list would have to be, The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Now before I get into the book, I just want it to be known that I am a HUGE Anne Rice fan. Bram Stoker as well. Fuck Twilight because I’ve read what REAL vampires are like in 3 authors alone. I can never be a fan of a vampire that sparkles in the sunlight. Back to our subject on hand though, The Historian is a large book. The story itself was amazing to me, however what captivated me the most was the style it was written. It’s very Gothic, Victorian, travelogue type of book. It’s realistic and kept me on the edge of my seat until I had finished it.
Fourth in my book list is a pure horror guru! If you want to scare the shit out of someone, tell them to read a Bentley Little Book! So this is techniqually cheating because I’m not listing a book, but rather the mind behind the madness! I’m still recovering from books like The Vanishing, Dominion, The House, Guests and The Town! I’m a big fan of Stephen King when it comes to horror writing, but Bentley Little will give the strongest man nightmares, trust me on this!!
The final book on our list is my all time favorite books and current “re-obsessions” (Yeah, I admitted it.) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Both written by Lewis Carroll. Although I am a big fan of Tim Burton’s recent movie adaption, to read the book and than watch the movie, two completely different things. The stories that are told in both Adventures and Looking Glass are life lessons, and they teach you things as a child and as an adult. They tell you why it’s important to know where you’re going. To know yourself, to believe in yourself. I learned through Alice that sometimes taking your own advice is the best advice! To stand up for yourself and others doesn’t make you a bully, it makes you wise.
So there you have it, 5 books (and then-some) that I will never tire of, that inspire me to be a better writer today and tomorrow. Whether it be a travel through time, a sexy deep secret, falling in love, solving a mystery or fighting a galactic war; books are the only thing that will never fail you.
Two Quotes from Inkheart that I will never forget, and use as inspiration for my writing:
“Books are adventure. They contain murder and mayhem and passion. They love anyone who opens them.”
"Books have to be heavy, because they carry the whole world with them"
Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is listen to those around us. I use my blog as a soundboard with hope that somewhere, someone is listening.
About Me

- Wittyforachange
- I write because sometimes words are the only thing that can save you.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Free Writing
Free Writing. When I was a senior in high school my creative writing teacher would sit us down and have us “free” write every day for the first ten minutes or so of class. It’s a technique that I’ve carried with me my whole life. When you write freely, it allows all inhibitions to leave and your mind put at ease.
Here’s something they don’t tell you about being a writer, when you write? You really do go crazy. I’m constantly writing over 20 different scenarios on a daily basis and nine out of ten times, it’s at the same time. I guess this would qualify as multiple personality’s right? Or A.D.D, whichever, I’m sure my mind suffers from both.
Of course than you have the days when your mind is so turned off by the idea of even thinking that you sit hours on end staring at a blank screen, or sheet of paper with nothing more than your name on it.
I chose to write because I aspired for something better. I wanted to live in the worlds I created in my stories. I wanted make believe. I first wrote a story when I was in third grade. I mean I’ve always created idea’s and characters “imaginary friends” but my first story, a lot of things were really put in perspective.
The very first character I created was Charlie. He was an orange alien with medusa like green hair and he had snakes as fingers. A lot of the townsmen were horrified by his appearance, but in 3rd grade he was of course a gentle alien. He didn’t have any friends because everyone was afraid of him and he lived in an igloo. Don’t ask me why, I was eight.
I was hooked though from that moment on. I could have Charlie do anything. I could have him meet the love of his life, eat the townsmen or ride a bike. That’s what happens when you write. The world is an endless possibility and only you can finish it.
I feel after all of these years that I abandoned Charlie along with the essence of how I felt about writing. I only knew one thing than and now. Writing was something I wanted to do for a long time.
Our ten minutes are up. I really suggest free writing to all of you. Sometimes the strangest things come into play. I haven’t talked about Charlie since I was a senior in high school. That’s weird.
Here’s something they don’t tell you about being a writer, when you write? You really do go crazy. I’m constantly writing over 20 different scenarios on a daily basis and nine out of ten times, it’s at the same time. I guess this would qualify as multiple personality’s right? Or A.D.D, whichever, I’m sure my mind suffers from both.
Of course than you have the days when your mind is so turned off by the idea of even thinking that you sit hours on end staring at a blank screen, or sheet of paper with nothing more than your name on it.
I chose to write because I aspired for something better. I wanted to live in the worlds I created in my stories. I wanted make believe. I first wrote a story when I was in third grade. I mean I’ve always created idea’s and characters “imaginary friends” but my first story, a lot of things were really put in perspective.
The very first character I created was Charlie. He was an orange alien with medusa like green hair and he had snakes as fingers. A lot of the townsmen were horrified by his appearance, but in 3rd grade he was of course a gentle alien. He didn’t have any friends because everyone was afraid of him and he lived in an igloo. Don’t ask me why, I was eight.
I was hooked though from that moment on. I could have Charlie do anything. I could have him meet the love of his life, eat the townsmen or ride a bike. That’s what happens when you write. The world is an endless possibility and only you can finish it.
I feel after all of these years that I abandoned Charlie along with the essence of how I felt about writing. I only knew one thing than and now. Writing was something I wanted to do for a long time.
Our ten minutes are up. I really suggest free writing to all of you. Sometimes the strangest things come into play. I haven’t talked about Charlie since I was a senior in high school. That’s weird.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
My Guiding Eyes.
All of our lives we were lead to believe in things such as happy endings and fairytales. I mostly blame Disney for this. Growing up I watched religiously, the same movies you did. Little did I know that growing up, these movies would hold a very pivotal part of my existence.
It’s no wonder that girls like you and I expect those kinds of relationships. You know the saying; “if you hear it enough, eventually it becomes true?” I feel sorry for the people that actually believe this today. I used to be one of those people. I thought that I’d fall in love and have a wicked step mom who poisoned me. I grew up expecting my pets to talk to me and mice to turn into horses.
What they don’t prepare you for though? These movies, is that life is no fairytale. People don’t just fall in love and there really aren’t happy endings. Not always.
I don’t want to come off as someone that doesn’t believe in the power of love. I definitely have experienced it but the sad thing is, love comes and goes. We’re not mean to fall in love with one person, which was a mistake on Disney’s part. What they should have shown was Cinderella falling in love with her prince’s cousin Steve. Those kinds of stories are far more believable.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that life isn’t perfect and happily ever after is an illusion. The media creates a picture and expects us to believe in it. Their word is god. I say challenge what stands before you. Don’t settle for the fairytale, strive for realism.
Or don’t.
It’s no wonder that girls like you and I expect those kinds of relationships. You know the saying; “if you hear it enough, eventually it becomes true?” I feel sorry for the people that actually believe this today. I used to be one of those people. I thought that I’d fall in love and have a wicked step mom who poisoned me. I grew up expecting my pets to talk to me and mice to turn into horses.
What they don’t prepare you for though? These movies, is that life is no fairytale. People don’t just fall in love and there really aren’t happy endings. Not always.
I don’t want to come off as someone that doesn’t believe in the power of love. I definitely have experienced it but the sad thing is, love comes and goes. We’re not mean to fall in love with one person, which was a mistake on Disney’s part. What they should have shown was Cinderella falling in love with her prince’s cousin Steve. Those kinds of stories are far more believable.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that life isn’t perfect and happily ever after is an illusion. The media creates a picture and expects us to believe in it. Their word is god. I say challenge what stands before you. Don’t settle for the fairytale, strive for realism.
Or don’t.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
In Simple Terms...
Sometimes I don't know if listening to myself talk is as effective as writing the things I want to say. What I really want to say I mean. I've been spending the past 5 months trying to relocate myself. You see, I'm lost. A friend of mine refers to it as "losing my lid" or in simpler terms? I've gone crazy.
I'm often posed with the question of "why do you write?" Why does anybody? We all write because we feel the need to replace what is real, with whats not. I write for an escape and I write to feel safe.
Ever since I was a young child I've been in love with words. Looking back now, I would never have known how important they truely were until I didn't have any. Sometimes life leaves you speechless, and thats what happened to me.
I'm often posed with the question of "why do you write?" Why does anybody? We all write because we feel the need to replace what is real, with whats not. I write for an escape and I write to feel safe.
Ever since I was a young child I've been in love with words. Looking back now, I would never have known how important they truely were until I didn't have any. Sometimes life leaves you speechless, and thats what happened to me.
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